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ID #1004.  Write it down!

Now you can have all your customized supplements in one daily pack!


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Our Unique Approach

Everywhere you look these days, suppliers are offering everything from a single line of nutritionals to everything under the sun. And there is no question that many of these products are of high quality. The only problem is that each customer has to decide which supplements to take, when to take them, and how much of each to take.

What sets
Netritionals apart from all the others?

Netritionals, we offer customized nutritional support and packaging for every one of our individual customers.

Netritionals customer receives a personal prescription of nutritional products, packaged in daily sheets, according to their particular requirements. Rather than carrying multiple bottles of nutrients and combining them several times a day, Netritionals customers take a single small daily package with them. This package contains all of their nutritional requirements for the day! The Netritionals system is convenient, efficient, and most importantly, cost-effective.

And just look at the other benefits of the Netritionals system:

  • At your request, Netritionals will autoship your supplements on a regular schedule.
  • You have full flexibility to add or delete additional supplements in your prescription at any time.
  • Our web site features On-line references and instruction in most areas of nutrition, including support in formulation of customized programs!
  • Your prices are the same as or lower than what you would pay for individual supplements.

    So...take a look around our site.. Educate yourself about your health and the supplements you need to stay healthy. You can order online...or call toll-free 1-800-298-7576. Remember this ID number when you order: 1004.

No more multiple bottles to fuss with!

Just tear off your day's supplements and go!



11/4/99 Monday 8 a.m.

Vitamin C/1000mg-1

St. John'w Wort/
300 mg-1

Glucosomine Chondroitin/ 500 mg-1

Vitamin E 400 IU-1



Order online or at our
toll-free number

Netritionals...custom nutritional support for every body.